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Department of Civil Engineering
Since its inception in 1960, Department of Civil Engineering remains as one of the best Civil Engineering Departments in Kerala. The department offers B. Tech programme in Civil Engineering and M.Tech programme in Structural Engineering. To provide high quality education and training in Civil Engineering, the department has got 25 sincere and dedicated faculty members and 8 technical staff. The well-equipped laboratories in various fields of Civil Engineering such as Survey Lab, Material Testing Lab, Geotechnical Engineering Lab, Traffic &Transportation Lab, Cad Lab, Design studio and Environmental Engineering Lab offers all facilities for carrying out the practical oriented studies and research projects of students. The laboratories are used by students of other neighbouring institutions too... Read More
Our Mission
1. To impart high quality education in Civil Engineering, inculcating professional,managerial and leadership skills to meet the changing and challenging needs of the society.
2. To provide excellent learning inputs, through appropriate pedagogical practices, for successful career and scholarly endeavours.
3. To foster social commitment and professional ethics through planned curricular and extracurricular activities, for sustainable development.
Our Vision
To be recognized as a Centre of Excellence in Civil Engineering Education, Research and Consultancy, contributing to Sustainable Development and growth of the Nation.
PEO | Program Educational Objectives |
1. | Within a few years of graduation, the graduates of the program will Develop theoretical and practical knowledge in Civil Engineering, by practicing in various sectors, focusing on sustainable solutions, professional ethics and social accountability |
2. | Perform effectively both as leader and team member in a professional environment utilizing managerial and life skills to achieve the goals of engineering projects |
3. | Pursue higher studies and research and recognize the need for updating engineering solutions and practice, to meet the changing professional requirements |
PSO | Program Specific Outcomes |
1 | Apply fundamental analytical methods and appropriate computational techniques in designing a system, components or processes in core areas of Civil Engineering. |
2 | Utilize principles, hardware and software that are appropriate to produce reports and documents and perform economic analyses and cost estimates related to design, construction, operations and maintenance of systems associated with civil engineering. |
3 | Enrich knowledge and experience to provide sustainable solutions to the civil engineering problems selecting appropriate engineering materials and practices. |
PO | Program Outcomes |
1 | Engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. |
2 | Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. |
3 | Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmentalconsiderations. |
4 | Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. |
5 | Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. |
6 | The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. |
7 | Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. |
8 | Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of the engineering practice. |
9 | Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. |
10 | Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. |
11 | Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. |
12 | Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
Faculty Name | Project title | Project type/ Research/ Consultancy |
Funding Agency | Amount (Rs) | Duration |
Dr. Rejani V U | Planning and design of micro irrigation project for Eruthenpathy Vadakarapathy Panchayath Region | Research (Student Project Scheme) | KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram | 10000 | 1 year 2020-21 |
Dr. Sreelekshmy Pillai G | Facile Irrigation | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 50000 | 1 year 2020-21 |
Dr. Surya S S | Liquid speed braker | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 40000 | 1 year 2020-21 |
Rejani V U & Dr. Raji A K | Study on the Influence of Anti-stripping Agents in Bituminous Construction | Research (Student Project Scheme) | KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram | Rs. 10,000/- | 1 year 2019-20 |
Dr. Sreelekshmy Pillai G | Impact of flooding in the performance characteristics of bituminous roads- A case study of Koduvayur Nenmara road in Palakkad District | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | Rs 50,000/- | 1 year 2019-20 |
Dr. Sreelekshmy Pillai G | Prediction of road traffic noise levels by using regression analysis and artificial neural network | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | Rs 40,000/- | 1 year 2019-20 |
Dr. Bharati Raj. J | Effect of zeolite and natural fibres on the properties of Self Compacting Concrete | Research (Student Project Scheme) | KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram | Rs. 1360/- | 1 year 2019-20 |
Dr. Bharati Raj. J | Strengthening of hollow beams using near surface rebar | Research (Student Project Scheme) | KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram | Rs. 10,000/- | 1 year 2019-20 |
Keerthi S | Usage of waste glass in clay tile | Research (Student Project Scheme) | KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram | Rs 10,000/- | 1 year 2019-20 |
Dr. Resmi G | Development of Bio Compost System for treating degradable solid waste and production of manure. | Research (Research Seed Money Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 1,95,000 | 3 years February 2019 to February 2022 |
Dr. Resmi G., & Dr. HemaNalini A.V | Experimental investigation of accelerated composting of vegetable market waste and poultry waste | Research (Student Project Scheme) | KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram | 9,500 | 1 year 2018-19 |
Sreelekshmy Pillai G & Dr. V Sudha | Manufacturing of bricks using flood deposited clay | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 18,000 | 1 year 2018-19 |
Rejani V U & Dr. A.K Raji | Study on utilization of demolition waste and soil deposited due to flood in road construction | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 37,000 | 1 year 2018-19 |
Mohandas K.A | Partial replacement of cement in concrete using GGBS for concrete cover block | Research (Student Project Scheme) | KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram | 7,500 | 1 year 2018-19 |
Dr. P R Sreemahadevan Pillai and Dr. HemaNalini A V | Study on the co-composting process of brewery sludge and source – separated organic fraction of municipal solid waste using batch-scale-in-vessel composting system | Research | Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment | 16,85,600 | 3 years July 2014 to January 2018 |
Dr. Umadevi P P &Dr. Raji A. K. | Planning and design of a drip irrigation system for Eruthempathy panchayath of Chittur Taluk, Palakkad district | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 50000 | 1 year 2016-17 |
Rejani V U & Dr. Umadevi P P | Quality and quantity assessment of water-bodies using GIS for rehabilitation & capacity augmentation | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 30000 | 1 year 2016-17 |
Dr. A. K. Raji & Rejani V U | Study on load deformation characteristics of treated coir geotextiles reinforced sub grade using plate load test | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 40000 | 1 year 2016-17 |
Dr.Sudha.V | The effect of surface charges of bio-polymer on properties of field clay | Research (Student Project Scheme) | Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment | 7500 | 1 year 2016-17 |
Surya S S & Maneesha B | Diffusion Characteristics of Locally Available Natural Clays for their Application in Engineered Landfills | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 37,000 | 1 year 2016-17 |
K A Mohandas & Dr.Resmi.G | Utilization of Pharmaceutical sludge and textile sludge in brick manufacturing | Research (CERD Student Project Scheme) | Kerala Technological University | 50,000 | 1 year 2017-18 |
Sl. No | Name | Designation | Role |
1 | Dr. Resmi G | Professor, Dept. of CE | Faculty member |
2 | Dr. Rejani V U | HoD, Professor, Dept. of CE | Chairman |
3 | Dr. Sreelekshmi Pillai G | Associate Professor, Dept. of CE | Faculty member |
4 | Dr. Biju M S | Associate Professor, Dept. of CE | Faculty member (PG coordinator) |
5 | Dr. Praseeda K I | Associate Professor, Dept. of CE | Faculty member (NBA accreditation coordinator) |
6 | Dr. P. R Sreemahadevan Pillai | Chairman, ANOVA Group, Palakkad, Kerala | Alumni, Academic and Industry Expert |
7 | Dr. K B Anand | Professor, Dept. of CE, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore | Alumni and Academic expert |
8 | Dr. K.K Babu | M.D, Infra-con, Infrastructure Projects Consultants and former Professor NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad | Academic and Industry Expert |
9 | Dr. Asraff A K | Group Director, Structural Dynamics and Analysis Group, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, ISRO, Valiamala, Trivandrum | Alumni/Research Organization |
10 | Smitha Balakrishnan | Assistant Executive Engineer, Irrigation Subdivision, Nenmara | Alumni/Industry Expert - Government Department |
11 | Er. D Ajith | Consultant, Habitat, Chittur Road, Palakkad | Industry Expert - Construction Field |
12 | Er. K. O. Pramod | Chartered Engineer, Structures India, Palakkad | Alumni/Industry Expert - Construction Field |
13 | Shajatnan K. H | Director (Technical), National Water Development Agency, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt. of India. | PTA Member |
Association of Civil Engineering Students
Role | Position Holder |
Staff Coordinator | Dr Bharati Raj |
Chairman | K F Shahul Hameed (2021 batch) |
Secretary | Samadersh PS (2022 batch) |
PG Representative | Anjana Vijayan (2022 batch) |
Civil Engineering Department Student's Magazine
Role | Position Holder |
Staff Editor | Dr. Krishnachandran VN |
Student Editor | Vishnu KP, 2021 Batch |
Student Editor | Arun Ghosh, 2022 Batch |

B.Tech Civil Engineering Accredited by NBA
Head of the Department

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